Pictet Group
Summer Special: Confidence in Full Bloom with Viv Groskop
Sociedad · 27 jul. 2023
0 min read
We’ve all been there. Networking at a smart party. Presenting to a crowded room. Few of us can naturally project confidence and authority in an intimidating situation; many of us are simply lost for words. Thankfully while being confident at work isn’t something we are born with, it is something that can be taught and learned - and without sacrificing our authenticity.
In this episode, Pictet’s Global Head of Branding Isabelle von Ribbentrop meets Viv Groskop a woman who has conquered the worlds of journalism, comedy, writing, and broadcasting. She draws on what’s she learned about being confident both herself and from others in her book and podcast series How to Own the Room, and now in a new book call Happy High Status. In this conversation, Viv shares her story and her tips for being confident while still being yourself.