Campus Pictet de Rochemont

Campus Pictet de Rochemont

To pursue the development of its activities, the Pictet Group has decided to construct an avant-garde building at the heart of the major Praille Acacias Vernets urban development project in Geneva. The Campus Pictet de Rochemont aims to become one of the most emblematic building complex of the Praille Acacias Vernets (PAV) project.

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Campus Pictet de Rochemont


On 21 September 2023, more than 130 guests gathered at the Campus Pictet de Rochemont construction site to witness the laying of the first stone.

Over 20 years ago, in March 2002, Pictet marked the beginning of its presence in the Acacias district, with the launch of the construction of the current building. A new stage in the development of the Pictet Group in Geneva has now been reached, with the laying of the first stone of the Campus Pictet de Rochemont. Current and former partners, representatives of the State of Geneva and the Municipality of Carouge, as well as project's main contractors, together celebrated this historic and symbolic moment.

About Campus Pictet de Rochemont

The new building will play a pivotal role in the future Campus Pictet de Rochemont. Permission to build was given by the relevant authorities in February 2022. Apart from symbolising both our long-term vision and a strong attachment to Geneva, where we have had our roots since 1805, the building will foster collaboration and innovation. Equipped with the most advanced technology, it will also serve as a blueprint for environmental integration in an urban environment.

Building the future of Geneva

The Campus Pictet de Rochemont aims to become one of the most emblematic building complex of the Praille Acacias Vernets (PAV) project.

Located at the heart of Geneva, the PAV is a dynamic area combining industrial, commercial and residential complexes. Its central location and easy accessibility have made it a unique opportunity in terms of urban and economic development for the region.

The PAV project aims to transform Geneva’s largest and oldest industrial and artisanal zone into a mixed-use urban district where people will want to live and work. The inauguration of the Campus Pictet de Rochemont in 2025 will mark a big step in the development of the neighbourhood.

Our building will provide a working environment that is stimulating, welcoming and geared to diversity, a place that encourages interaction and also looks to the future.
— Renaud de Planta, former Managing Partner

Environmentally conscious building

Water, air, light and greenery are the core elements of the winning project, “Feng Shui” (“well-being”). The new building will provide spaces that will ensure Pictet employees, clients and visitors constantly remain in contact with nature, bringing them calm, strength, peace and vitality.

With 23 floors, a panoramic view from the staff restaurant terrace and the omnipresence of nature: the notion of “well-being” will be at the heart of what the building stands for. It will provide its users with a stimulating and human working environment that fosters open mindedness, transparency and cooperation.

  • 2025
    Inauguration of the building
  • 90m
    Highest point of the campus
  • 55,000
    Office surface in square metres
  • 2500
    Total number of work spaces

The Campus Pictet de Rochemont will be an environmental reference in its construction concept, energy consumption and accessibility, with a strong emphasis on car-free living. At his heart, green spaces will be created, with a public park and a tree-lined perimeter, as well as the daylighting of the Drize river. Approximately 10,300m2 of the campus will be used for the construction of around 100 high-quality apartments. 

Soil removal

A sustainable and innovative solution

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We are committed to minimising the environmental impact at every stage of Campus Pictet de Rochemont construction project. We have therefore implemented an innovative solution to dispose of the soil from the construction site. By transporting the 80,000 m3 of soil - enough to fill 35 Olympic swimming pools or more than 9,000 lorries - by rail instead of by road, we have halved the carbon footprint per tonne of material. After it is removed by train, the soil from the site is unloaded into the lake – an increasingly common disposal method that poses no danger to the lake’s ecosystem. This solution was made possible thanks to the outstanding cooperation with the different stakeholders we worked with for this key step of the project..

From the archives

The Acacias district takes its name from a tree that is very common in the neighbourhood, but also from a hamlet that once stood there. The predominantly agricultural suburb of Acacias — attached to Geneva in 1816 — became industrialised in the 19th century. In 1935, major railway infrastructure work was undertaken, which involved burying the river Drize under the Route des Jeunes (Road of the Young), completed in 1942 and named after the 800 young people “more eager for action than words”, who volunteered to build the road while their elders were in the army.

The agricultural district of Acacias, where Pictet is headquartered today, became industrialized in the first half of the 20th century. A number of factories and plants were located here, including the Laiteries Réunies in 1913, the British American Tobacco factory in 1939 and the Motosacoche factory in 1905, whose legendary machines travelled the roads of the world for almost half a century. Anecdotally, the Motosacoche workshop was located at Route des Acacias 48, which today houses several hundred Pictet employees.


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