Pascal Kessler

Pascal Kessler


Expert Pension Fund
電話 +41 58 323 1546
Banque Pictet & Cie SA
Route des Acacias 60
1211 Geneva 73


關於 Pascal Kessler

Pascal Kessler is the leader of the unit responsible for pension provision. He is responsible for the Pictet Vested Benefits Foundation (2nd Pillar) and the Pictet Individual Pension Foundation (3rd Pillar A).

Before joining Pictet & Cie in September 2000, he worked in the marketing department of a large German insurance company in Zurich. Having overseen several projects associated with sales initiatives, he was then involved with developing individual life insurance products and led the unit for three years.

Pascal holds a degree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Geneva and a Federal Diploma of Specialist in Occupational Pension Provision. He has over 20 years’ experience in the fields of pension insurance and finance. Please do not hesitate to contact Pascal if you have any questions regarding pension coverage. He will be pleased to help you find the solution that best meets your requirements.

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