Demographic transition on a global scale

Demographic transition on a global scale

The decline in the working-age population and rise in the number of elderly will have implications for global growth and inflation.

By the early 1980s, the product of the postwar Baby Boom (people born in the period 1946–1964) were all in or about to enter the labour force of high-income countries. In the following decades, China’s integration into the world economy, in particular its accession to the World Trade Organisation in 2001, secured a further, ample supply of low-cost labour to fuel global growth and keep inflation stable.

This trend, however, has largely run its course and may now be going into reverse owing to the ‘demographic transition’, whereby a decline in both fertility and mortality rates leaves economies with smaller workforces having to support rising numbers of retirees. This structural shift in demography is particularly evident in developed economies, with old-age dependency ratios (the ratio of the elderly (65 years old or above) to the working-age population (15–64) rising dramatically in countries like Japan, South Korea, Greece and Italy. 

In the US, 1.6 million more people than expected have left the workforce since covid.

The working-age population may well soon begin to decline in Asia as a whole — and at a faster pace thanin the developed world, mainly driven by China. The median age in the EU and US rose from 30 to 40 in the space of half a century (1970–2020), but in Japan this process took just 23 years (1976–1998), in South Korea 16 years (1999–2015) and in Taiwan 20 years (1998–2018). China is on the same trajectory as Japan, with the median age set to reach 40 by 2025, according to United Nations projections.

While the world population is still growing, the countries with the highest population growth — almost all in Africa — tend to be less politically stable and integrated into the global economy. Consequently, population ageing will likely lead to structural labour shortages in the long term.

US: The post-Covid labour shortage 

The world’s largest economy by GDP, the US, has been facing a persistent labour shortage since the covid pandemic. There are many possible reasons, such as an ageing population, workers’ demands for better benefits, fewer immigrants and so on. One particularly important factor is the rise in those in the 55–64 age group choosing early retirement for reasons that may include health concerns and the sharp rise in asset values. According to the US Federal Reserve, the retired as a share of the US population in late 2022 was almost 1.5 percentage points above its pre-pandemic trend, meaning around 1.6 million people have left the labour force earlier than could have beenexpected. Between 2020 and 2022, the prime-age working population (25 to 54) in the US increased by around 1.1 million, significantly below the 5.3 million increase in the old-age population (65 or above). The large number of early retirees, coupled with reduced growth in younger age groups, means the labour force is not being fully replenished from native sources, resulting in a widening gap between labour demand and supply.

Looking forward, the rising number of people dropping out of the workforce for various reasons is reducing the participation rate and exacerbating labour supply problems. Without meaningful productivity gains, the structural decline in available workers may lead to sharper rises in wages, ultimately pushing inflation higher.

Asia: Divergences in the 'Demographic Dividend'

In 2021, Asia’s total population reached around 4.3 billion, which is 2.6 times larger than in 1960. By 2050, Asia’s working-age population is expected to be 3.3 times bigger than in 1960, according to United Nations projections.

However, population growth in Asia has been declining over the past four decades. After reaching a peak of 2.5% in 1966, annual population growth there has slowed to an averageof 0.7% in the past five years (2018–2022). The region’s demographic outlook is changing fast as a result of the constant decline in the total fertility rate (TFR, the average number of children that a woman will have over her lifetime). In 1960–1965, only 5.4% of Asia’s population lived in countries with a fertility rate below the replacement level (i.e., a TFR of under 2.1). This figure surged to 43.9% in 1990–1995, when China’s fertility rate fell below the replacement level.

By the late 2020s, when the fertility rate in India is projected to fall below 2.1, 80% of the Asian population is expected to be living in countries where births are below the replacement level. The speed and timing of this transition vary considerably in Asia. China, the main driving force of global economic growth in the past two decades, is currently undergoing unprecedented demographic change. According to government statistics, the country’s total population declined in 2022 for the first time since the Great Chinese Famine of 1959–1961. In response to the sharp decline in the fertility rate, in 2016 the government ended the one-child policy it had inaugurated in 1980. The government’s efforts to increase the birth rate have achieved little success so far. Barring an unprecedented turnaround in the birth rate, the Chinese population will likely continue to decline and the dependency ratio will continue to increase over the course of the 21st century. This will put China in the same camp as Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

By contrast, demographic conditions in South and Southeast Asia are much more favourable. Countries like India, Indonesia and Philippines are still enjoying their ‘demographic dividend’ (in otherwords, their working-age populations are growing and child dependency ratios falling). With sensible government policies, this demographic dividend can be turned into faster economic growth in the years to come.

Slower growth, higher prices

The accelerating pace of population ageing will have great implications for the world economy, probably contributing to a slowdown in growth. Without substantial productivity gains, a reduced workforce could lead directly to less output. In addition, there may be reduced demand for real estate and related spending from an older population. In turn, this could lead to lower investment in production capacity, infrastructure, etc.

By the late 2020's, 80% of Asia's population is expected to be living in countries where birth rates are below replacement level.

The impact of demographic change on inflation is more complicated. A shrinking working-age population will likely exert upward pressure on wage growth, which could feed into higher inflation. But Japan’s experience over the past three decades shows that the relationship between population ageing and inflation may not be as simple as some theories describe. In particular, recent research shows that the ‘younger’ old-age cohort (65–75) tends to push up inflation, while the rise of the ‘older old’ (75+ years) is highly deflationary. Overall, however, we think demographics will likely contribute to higher inflation in the decade to come.

Inflation pressure could be mitigated by the positive impact of improved education on worker productivity or more rapid adoption of automation and other productivity-enhancing technologies such as artificial intelligence. While such technologies appear promising, they open up new debates about their impact on employment and income distribution.


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