Edna Lam

Edna Lam


Head of Group Communications Asia (Singapore)
Phone number
Tel. +65 6303 3034
Banque Pictet & Cie SA Singapore Branch

10 Marina Boulevard #22-01
Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 2
Singapore 018983


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About Edna Lam

Edna Lam is Head of Group Communications Asia based in Singapore. She is responsible for managing and coordinating media relations, digital and social communications, internal communications, branding and advertising activities in the region.

Edna joined Pictet in February 2021. Before that, she was Head of Media Relations, Equity and Public Affairs for Medical Devices Asia Pacific at Johnson & Johnson. Prior to that, Edna was at Credit Suisse for over 13 years, first as Head of Communications Private Banking Asia and then as Head of Communications Asia, leading a team of inhouse specialists and agencies across nine markets.

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