Governments, central banks, international organisation

Form W-8EXP

Select your Pictet Booking Centre

  • Use this form if the entity holding the account is exempt from US withholding tax because is it a government (including any political subdivision thereof), a central bank of issue, an international organisation or an entity wholly owned by one of the aforementioned.

Form W-8BEN-E

Select your Pictet Booking Centre

  • Use this form if the entity holding the account is deemed to be the beneficial owner of income for tax purposes.  This will generally be the case if the entity is liable to pay tax on its income (e.g. corporations, limited companies, complex trusts, etc.).
  • Do not use this form if the entity is acting as an intermediary, a nominee or is a tax-transparent entity. Use form W-8IMY/Intermediaries or form W-8IMY/Tax-Transparent Entities.
  • Please note that the FATCA status of “Non-Participating Foreign Financial Institution” will not be accepted by the Bank.
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