Mapping cities

How do the cities we make in turn make us? Recorded live from the major retrospective exhibition ‘Light Lines: The Architectural Photographs of Hélène Binet’ at the Royal Academy of Arts, one of Europe’s oldest established art institutions at the heart of London.

This episode explores urban architecture through the lens of photography, cartography, and real-estate investing.

Featuring Swiss-French photographer Hélène Binet herself, one of the leading architectural photographers in the world most known for her work with architects Daniel Libeskind, Peter Zumthor and Zaha Hadid; James Cheshire, Professor of Geographic Information and Cartography at University College London, co-author of the books London: The Information Capital, Where the Animals Go and Atlas of the Invisible; and Zsolt Kohalmi, Global Head of Real Estate and Co-CEO of Pictet Alternative Advisors, who has invested an excess of USD20 billion into all real estate asset classes in more than 20 European countries.

Appearing in this episode

Hélène Binet is a Swiss and French internationally acclaimed photographer based in London. Binet’s work has been exhibited in both national and international exhibitions, including a solo exhibition at the Power Station of Art, Shanghai, in 2019. She was made an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects in 2007 and in 2015 was the recipient of the Julius Shulman Institute Excellence in Photography Award. She was also the recipient of the 2019 Ada Louise Huxtable Prize, awarded to a woman who has made a major contribution to architecture, and is one of the Royal Photographic Society’s Hundred Heroines.

James Cheshire is Professor of Geographic Information and Cartography at University College London. He is co-author of London: The Information Capital, Where the Animals Go and Atlas of the Invisible. James has received a number of prizes for his work, most notably the Cuthbert Peek Award from the Royal Geographical Society and the Corlis Benefideo Award from the North American Cartographic Information Society. 

Zsolt Kohalmi is Global Head of Real Estate and Co-CEO of Pictet Alternative Advisors. Mr. Kohalmi brings two decades of pan-European investment experience and has invested in excess of USD20 billion into all real estate asset classes in more than 20 European countries throughout several investment cycles. Previously he was Managing Director and Head of European Acquisitions at Starwood Capital Group, one of the top 3 firms in global private equity real estate. 

Cynthia O’Gorman Schem is COO of Pictet Asset Management, having first joined in 2013 as Head of Fund Administration & Portfolio Transitions. Before joining Pictet, she worked at Capital International S.A. for fifteen years, initially as a Training Specialist and later as a Senior Manager within the International Funds Services unit. She was also Conducting Officer for the Luxembourg mutual funds. She began her career in 1995 at HellerSud Servicios Financieros in Argentina where she was a Credit Analyst. Cynthia holds a Master’s degree in International Business and a Bachelor in Management and a Marketing certificate from Webster University.

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