60 minutes with Mark Carney

60 minutes with Mark Carney

A discussion between Mark Carney, former Governor of Bank of England and the Prime Minister’s Financial Adviser for Cop26, and Rosa Sangiorgio, Head of ESG at Pictet Wealth Management

Climate change is an existential threat. Finding a solution requires collective action and innovation on every front, from consumption to industry and the financial system. Around the world, society is placing increasing value on achieving net zero carbon emissions and the companies that are part of the solution will be rewarded. For today’s investors, this momentum will create an unparalleled opportunity.

Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance, Mark Carney, whose career has straddled both private and public sectors, is a key figure in the global conversation and action around climate change. As governor of the Bank of England, he issued a grave warning to the financial services industry about the risk of stranded assets, kicking off the green revolution we see today among major central banks around the world.


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