Sibylle Salzmann Ciarrocchi

Sibylle Salzmann Ciarrocchi


Head of 1e Pension Solutions - Zurich
Phone number
Tel. +41 58 323 7963
Zweigniederlassung Zürich
Bahnhofstrasse 32
8001 Zurich

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About Sibylle Salzmann Ciarrocchi

Sibylle Salzmann Ciarrocchi is Head of 1e Pension Solutions at Banque Pictet & Cie. She is responsible for advising Swiss corporates on their pension plans and helping them set up the best 1e pension solution for their specific needs.

Over the past 15 years, Sibylle has gained extensive experience in advising entrepreneurs and executives on managing their private, pension and corporate assets. In her most recent role, she helped establish and drive the 1e business of a large Swiss bank.

Sibylle graduated in General Management from the ZHAW School of Management and Law and holds a CAS in International Tax Law from the University of Zurich.

Don’t hesitate to contact Sibylle to talk about your company’s pension plan and whether a 1e solution could be right for you.

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